beach baby, beach baby
3:24 pm - July 31, 2003

I'm loving the beach, on one hand I wish I could stay here forever and just hide from everything, on the other I don't know if I could stand this much paradise all the time. Long walks on the beach, sleepy days on the couch upstairs, Harry Potter, e-mails from Bryan, birthday stuff...all of these things and so many more have made this a wonderful trip. The other night my dad and I sat on a bench on a cliff overlooking the ocean and stayed there for about two hours, marveling over the surrealism (that's a word, right?) of simply existing...contemplating about whether God exists or not and if there is a god, what is his/her role? It was my last night of being 17 and a wonderful way to spend it.

My actual birthday was more memorable than actually fun. Our plan was to drive to Lincoln City and maybe Newport, see a movie, shop, have dinner. Well, we pulled into the outlet stores at Lincoln City and promptly discovered that there was steam billowing out of our car and green antifreeze trickling out from the underside of the car. Long story short: from about 3 pm to almost 7:30 pm, we were sitting around waiting for our car to be turned out there was a hole in one of the hoses in the cooling system, or something like that. After that we were too tired to go anywhere else but home, so we headed back to the beach house and had birthday cake. I didn't mind so much though, at first I wanted to cry but when I got past that it was okay. My parents seem to think they've doomed me to a week-long boring vacation with them, when I really don't mind. It would have been nice to have a friend or some cousins come along, but in the end I'm really okay being with just them and being alone sometimes.

Bush wants to ban same-sex marriages, that crazy fool. If he doesn't want to do it, then he shouldn't do it, but what right does he have to put a limit on other people's happiness? Fucker. I really really don't like him, not just for his interesting speaking techniques and past mistakes, but for his public choices such as this damn war which is NOT over, and this proposed banning of same-sex marriages, and...ugh.

18 doesn't feel much different from 17 to be quite honest, although it is fun to know that I can vote now, and it's entirely possible that it will be easier for me to get a paid job now. So yay for that.

I'll see people sometime this weekend or next week, we come home tomorrow (Friday).